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Volunteer With Us
...hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.
To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body,
but the soul. — Alfred Austin
Get Your Hands Dirty with Us
We love welcoming volunteers on our farm. If you're interested in
helping out on our farm, there are two ways to get involved:
1. Join in on one of our volunteer parties listed on the calendar below
2. Become a seasonal volunteer and join us one day per week for a minimum of two months
We enjoy welcoming folks out here who want to reach their hands into soil and enjoy a day of working with the land. As a token of our gratitude for giving your time and energy to our farm, we offer the following in exchange:
Our Volunteer Party days culminate with a big Prema Farm salad for all to enjoy. On the (more rare) longer volunteer days, we do a big BBQ at the end. We call them parties for a reason. :)
Seasonal volunteers enjoy a wide selection of free produce to take home each week and tend to walk away with a deeper understanding of what high desert organic farming entails. We've made great friends through this volunteer program and appreciate getting to know fellow land-lovers from near and far.
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